Sunday, July 8, 2007

John Edwards first of 2008 U.S. field to tackle safe drinking water

Democrat John Edwards recently became the first (of many - stay tuned for reports on Brownback, Obama and others) of the 2008 U.S. presidential contenders to thoughtfully tackle the global safe drinking water and sanitation issue.

His campaign website includes the following commitment:

"Invest in Clean Water: The World Health Organization has found that every $1 invested in clean water yields an economic return of $8. Edwards will double the U.S. investment in clean water. He will also convene an international summit of government, businesses, and non-profits to agree on necessary investments to make water safe worldwide by 2015."

The return on that one dollar investment may be even higher in many instances as reported here. These are both direct financial returns to individuals, families and communities, as well as significant time savings and healthcare cost savings.

For a broader look at the 2008 field and what the candidates are doing to prioritize solutions to global health challenges and extreme poverty, check out One Vote '08.

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